Saturday, June 30, 2018

Tiny Flowers

I was shopping the other day and happened to see this little tiny vase of (fake) flowers. It's so small...only about six inches tall. But it struck me as so cute and it made me happy. So I got one for my shelf to add some color in my room, and it only cost $1! I'm not sure why, but I love it.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

More Shoes

I was at our local KMart (since that's the only big store we have close by), and they had some shoes on sale. They were marked down to $5. So I got a pair and when I got to the register, the cashier said they were only $4 and that I could get another pair for just $1. So I got these cuties and a pair of hi-tops, all for just $5!