Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Speaking of Shoes

You most likely know that I love to shop at thrift stores to see what kind of bargains I can find. But I am not one to buy clothes there very often, as I feel odd about wearing other people's things. But occasionally, if I find something like new and it's a deal, I consider an item.
Well, again, I needed a dressy type shoe, and just happened to find a pair at the local thrift store that looked brand new for just a few dollars. They were my size, so I bought them. They're just what I wanted...something to go with skirts or dresses, without too tall of a heel, and they look nice.
You never know what you're going to find. Plus, this particular store uses the proceeds to help victims of domestic violence. Win-Win!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Ladies Love Shoes

Ladies love shoes, right? I know I do, and I definitely have plenty..actually, way too many. But when a store is practically giving them away, I am happy to take them. Wouldn't you be too?
I was at (you guessed it!) Kohl's, my favorite store to find bargains. Because of a previous shopping trip, I had $10 in free money to spend plus a 20% discount. I found two pairs of shoes, and they were a kind that I really like. No matter how inexpensive, I won't buy things if I won't use them. The shoes were on sale for only $6.99 a pair. 
So with the free money and the discount, I got BOTH pair for $3.43!!! That made each pair only $1.59. :))