Sunday, January 28, 2018

FB Marketplace

I have tried many methods in the past ten years or so to sell belongings online, mostly unsuccessfully. First, it was eBay. Then, it was Craig's List. But right now, the hot place to try is the FaceBook Marketplace.

If you have a FB profile already, then you have access to the marketplace. The link to it is on your wall. Easy, peasy. You can list items which are seen by anyone searching for items, not just FB friends. It shows the town you're in, but does not give specifics or any additional information. It is perfect for local selling, with people coming to you (or you can choose to meet them somewhere if it's something small); however, it is not limited just to local people. We have had people make over a two hour drive to pick something up from us. You also have the opportunity to see their profile so you know who you're meeting.

I always ask for cash. Or I've had people pay me through PayPal if they couldn't come right away and wanted me to hold an item for them. In the past month, we've sold tables, chairs, lamps, a desk, a dog house and several other items which we're heavy and we did not want to have to move. So it definitely seems to be what is working right now.

Of course, be wary of strangers coming to your home and take precautions. But if you have things to sell, you don't have to wait for a garage sale. Try the FB Marketplace. 

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